Saturday, January 27, 2024

About Me - A Biography of Sorts

Hi everyone! Just wanted to post a bit about myself. Feel free to ask questions, too.

I am an Ojibwe or Ahnishnaabe artist living in Edmonton, Alberta. Having grown up in northern Manitoba, I gained an appreciation of nature and spent much of my free time drawing and experimenting with various media. In my early adulthood I began to explore painting, and eventually developed my own style of Woodlands artwork. I enjoy the freedom of the abstract style and creating images with sharply contrasting colors or smooth blends. I have also been inspired by Inuit soapstone sculpture and folklore. I'm actually inspired by a lot of stuff, but mostly nature.

Northern Canada inspires much of my work. As a child, my family often went on fishing excursions, woodcutting, and explorations of Canada's pristine wilderness. I self-studied animals in great detail by reading every book I could find at the local library as a child, and have a great love for birds. In recent years and thanks to COVID, I've gotten into hiking and camping with my husband. We really enjoy checking out new places and being in nature instead of just skimming the surface as one often ends up doing when just driving or traveling. I still love traveling though, and seeing new places and learning about the history and culture of the people living there.

I have painted for over 20 years now, and sold artwork to locations across the globe and have participated in various art shows in Alberta and Manitoba. I prefer to sell my art individually so I can enjoy meet the people and hear about what they like about my art, but I enjoy the virtual modes as well.

I live with my husband, Lyndon, and my black cat, Maho, in Edmonton, Alberta.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Bird Artwork

 A Selection of Bird Themed Artwork

Loon - 2021

A loon spirit against a mix of firey reds. Graceful lines cross the loon's back and are decorated with the white dots that are visible on the Common Loon.

Acrylic 12 x 12" stretched canvas. Unframed but is wired on the back for easy hanging.

$200 CDN includes shipping to locations within Continental North America.

Send me a message if you are interested in purchasing this painting. I can send an invoice by email, and hopefully update this page with a more official link in the near future.


Gold Crane - 2006

A gold crane lifts off from the ground amidst a pine forest. I painted this based on a Sandhill Crane I saw when I was child out berry-picking. I got tired of picking blueberries under the relentless sun (maybe not the best decision considering there could have been black bears around) and wandered into the next clearing and startled a crane.

They flew up gracefully and effortlessly, calling out "Karoo, karoo" as he went.

The crane was long gone, but those berries were delicious with some milk and sugar, and I had a good memory.

Acrylic on 9 x 12" canvaspaper. Framed using archival materials.

$250 CDN includes shipping to locations within Continental North America.

Send me a message if you are interested in purchasing this painting. I can send an invoice by email, and hopefully update this page with a more official link in the near future.


Purple Martin - 2005

A purple martin feathers flash silver in warm sunlight. Silver dots his wings and tail feathers. Acrylic on 9 x 12" canvaspaper. Framed in a reddish-brown wood frame using archival materials. Frame and matting match Tree Swallow.

$250 CDN includes shipping to locations within Continental North America.

Send me a message if you are interested in purchasing this painting. I can send an invoice by email, and hopefully update this page with a more official link in the near future.


Tree Swallow - 2005

Tree Swallows nested in a nest box outside of our window. It's a fond memory watching those birds come and go during the early summer with insects to feed their young. Here, a swallow is captured in mid-flight. Silver dots his wings and tail feathers.

Acrylic on 9 x 12" canvaspaper. Framed in a reddish-brown wood frame to match Purple Martin. All materials used are archival.

$250 CDN includes shipping to locations within Continental North America.

Send me a message if you are interested in purchasing this painting. I can send an invoice by email, and hopefully update this page with a more official link in the near future.


Blue Swallow - 2008

Another style swallow similar to the first two, but this one has a more abstract background suggestive of the speed these amazing little birds fly with. I had some fun creating the background using a mix of metallic paint and wood stain.

Acrylic, metallic paint, and antique stain on 8 x 10" canvaspaper. Painting is framed using archival materials.

$250 CDN includes shipping to locations within Continental North America.

Send me a message if you are interested in purchasing this painting. I can send an invoice by email, and hopefully update this page with a more official link in the near future.


I also enjoy creating commissions for people who want something made specifically. I really love painting birds and will work with you to create a unique piece. The Woodlands or Ojibwe style is slightly abstract and I enjoy that freedom.

Bear Artwork

 A Selection of Bear Themed Artwork

Bear and Sunset Spirit - 2020

A bear gazes up towards the night sky as a bear spirit rises up into the starry sky overhead. On the horizon the last traces of the day dissolve into the cool night. Acrylic on 5 x 7" stretched canvas.

$70 CDN includes shipping to locations within Continental North America.

Send me a message if you are interested in purchasing this painting. I can send an invoice by email, and hopefully update this page with a link in the near future.


Only a Memory - 2020

The spirit of a polar bear appears within the Northern Lights which dance vividly. My wish and hope that the polar bears do not become just a memory in the wilderness. Acrylic on 9 x 12" paper and is unframed.

$125 CDN includes shipping to locations within Continental North America.

Send me a message if you are interested in purchasing this painting. I can send an invoice by email, and hopefully update this page with a link in the near future.


Bear and Moon Spirit - 2019

A bear reaches out towards the full moon to communicate. This is a re-make of a similar painting I made in 2011 or so. Acrylic on 6 x 8" stretched canvas.

$90 CDN includes shipping to locations within Continental North America.

Send me a message if you are interested in purchasing this painting. I can send an invoice by email, and hopefully update this page with a link in the near future.


Bear and Moon - 2004

A bear reaches up towards the full moon to receive blessings. One of my favorite paintings, I like the power emanating from the bear and that his pose is reminiscent of an Inukshuk. Acrylic on 9 x 12" canvaspaper. Framed using all archival materials.

$300 CDN includes shipping to locations within Continental North America.

Send me a message if you are interested in purchasing this painting. I can send an invoice by email, and hopefully update this page with a link in the near future.


A Million Lights in the Sky - 2012

A bear spirit gazes back from the watery depths at an aboriginal woman. Watercolour pencil crayons on 9 x 12" watercolour paper. Unframed.

$200 CDN includes shipping to locations within Continental North America.

Send me a message if you are interested in purchasing this painting. I can send an invoice by email, and hopefully update this page with a link in the near future.


I also offer commissions and work with my customers to create a piece that fits the imagination. Send me an email as I enjoy the freedom of the Woodlands style.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Out with the Old, in with the New?

So I had to make a tough decision this year. I will not be renewing my domain name (no point sharing it here if it isn't going to exist anymore, lol). It will expire on January 19 (2024 in case you're reading this years from now).

I think I will be posting the artwork that was previously on that page onto here, as time suits me. Then everyone can still enjoy seeing my artwork and those who want to have it hanging on their walls can make a purchase as well. It will take time as I'll have to find the Paypal buttons/links to add in there.

What else have I been up to? Not a lot. I pretty much took 2023 off as an artist, and focused on continuing to create videos on YouTube (Donna's Adventures if you are curious). There's a lot of nature and hiking themed videos. With the whole pandemic I've really enjoyed getting closer to nature and re-discovering/taking a closer look at my "backyard" so to speak.

Speaking of backyard, we are fighting a battle right now with a coyote that has discovered our deck has a gaping hole in the latticework, and realized it would be a great home. There's been prints all over the backyard and copious amounts of poop. Big poop. Not sure what it's been eating but it's been eating well. Not the thin pointed poop full of fur that I usually see the creek valley or natural areas. I tried taking my cat out there to make a presence but it was too cold for him. He stood in the tracks yowling while I quickly distributed some loose fur around along the trees then whisked him back indoors. Poor little guy.

I told him he was helpful even though he got cold. I think my cat likes being helpful, although he's usually more of a help in the kitchen with cleaning up food scraps, especially meat.

I went back outside and scooped up all the fresh poop the coyote had somehow produced overnight (how can one animal poop so much?) and even the urine that was frozen solid in the snow.

My cat was also very excited as my husband and I headed out there with a staple gun and coils of chicken wire to try to close up the hole. It should work, for now. He sniffed my gloves thoughtfully when I got back in, nudging the fingers.

If nothing else I will try to get out there to make a human presence known and hopefully the coyote will get the idea that he should find somewhere else to live.

That's all for now. Hope to be on here again soon.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Where did April & May go?

Whoops, I missed making a blog post for April...and May.

And the months seem to have flown by without my noticing.

So what have I been up to? The usual, I guess. Work has gotten busier, and I've ended up doing a couple of extra shifts on my would-be days off. Can't complain about that, but it also means I won't be able to do my usual day-off stuff. Like go for a walk, or even contemplate painting.

My donation is finally set up and will head out the door tomorrow. Nice to see a painting heading off to a good cause. I don't have a photo easily at hand right now but it was one of my phoenix paintings. Hope it generates a good amount of funds for the organization. 😊

Also been hiking on my days off. We went to the birding area near Tofield but was too early to see Snow Geese. Also visited Islet Lake in Cooking Lake Provincial park, which was also too early to see much sprouting, but I made a video featuring the butterflies we spotted.

Kind of a fun video.

In my art-world, I've been frustrated as its been several months since I've even picked up a paintbrush. Just not feeling any motivation lately, and I don't want to just waste time. And paint. And materials. The current lack of sales doesn't help, either. I think the last thing I painted was of a loon. I think it looks ok, but maybe a bit lacking in the overall impact.

Anyhow, I guess until the creative urges come back I'll just keep doing what I'm doing - earning a living at my day-job and keeping my happiness by spending time in nature.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Loss of focus? I shouldn't be so hard on myself.

 Been noticing that it's been a long time since I last painted or created any sort of artwork.

In spite of that, I had two recent sales, which made me feel better. And yet, I still don't feel like painting.

I feel like my energy recently has been put into making YouTube videos. I've been finding it fun and a good way of sharing my love of nature and meeting other YouTubers around the world and checking out their videos.

I also have a stack of picture frames sitting on my desk which I rescued from work. With the upcoming renovations we've been clearing out a lot of old paperwork and clutter.

And I spotted three never-used picture frames sitting around. Glad to have them, but they're a bit of a unbecoming color as they're this sort of grey-ish brown that I wouldn't want to hang up.

Maybe I'll paint them.

The photo does them justice. The color doesn't look that bad.

But there is a big scratch on the one without any protection, so maybe that one I will paint up.

Going to add in my second-most recent video. I was a little disappointed with the view count as I put a lot of work into making it, of course. But it's informational. Lots of pretty photos of bugs and mushrooms and stuff we saw. So maybe people in the Edmonton area will watch it when they consider hiking at Bunchberry Meadows.

I even did research for that one, looking up plant names and bug names, especially since I couldn't find some of them in my guidebooks.

Still, it was fun.

Glad I have this weekend off. This is my day 8 of straight working. I am feeling a bit tired, but happy as one of those days I got to work at my old store in Wetaskiwin. It was nice seeing my former coworkers, and some customers that remembered me. Also had a nice walk in Wetaskiwin at their By-The-Lake Park. I should be able to make another video from the footage in that walk.

If I do make a video, I'll try to post it here.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Life is not a static thing, neither is a blog. Kintsugi project to fix broken pottery

Not sure if you're a regular of this blog, or if you've binge-read a whole bunch of posts. But I've been looking through my old posts and fleshing out the stories within them, and adding updates, photos, and videos that I've created that fit along with the blog page themes.

So, if you have read the blog a long time ago, you might be interested to go re-visit some of the old pages. Think of it like a virtual Easter egg hunt. Except without chocolate.

A few years ago I traveled with my sister to Mexico for a week. We had a great time, and I bought a couple of pottery bowls. Unfortunately when I got home, one of the bowls had shattered into a number of pieces.

Upset, but not deterred, I decided to fix the bowl. I read online about kintsugi, the Japanese method of fixing broken pottery to make it useable again, and creating more of a one of a kind piece than before. The word translates to "golden joinery." I think they use nails to actually fix the pieces together and real gold, but I didn't want to try anything that detailed.

The neat thing about kintsugi is that it sometimes is considered a bit fashionable, and I read about some people/potters that would purposely break their pieces just to fix them and create a unique piece.

So, I bought some good glue, and gold paint. Not real gold paint, and it's probably not food safe, but I used it anyway. I decided I would not put the bowl in the dishwasher and it would be used more as a decoration.

I started by gluing the pieces together, and then adding the paint to finish sealing the pieces and fill in the gaps where the pottery had turned to dust.

Piece by piece, the bowl came back into shape. I was pleased with the final result, as it has a handmade look mixed with the handmade painting. A bit rough, but I wanted it like that.

It's now a cool decoration in the living room, and I use it for chips and other non-liquid foods. The other bowl is still intact, and is one of my favourite bowls for making my morning oatmeal with.

After finishing, I also ended up making another small fix on a small Japanese cup decorated with a cherry blossom that I had inherited from a friend a long time ago. The handle had broken off, and so I glued that back on. It turned out pretty good.

You never know what you can do until you try.

What do you think? Have you used kintsugi to fix a broken item? Would you try to do it, too?