So yesterday I decided to ride my bike to work, in spite of the huge snowstorm outside. The wind was horrible, and whipped the snow into my eyes. I was quite proud of myself for making it to work, pretty much on time.
By the time I got there snow had frozen in large chunks in my hair and my snowpants were soaked. Halfway through the ride I was rewarded with a gorgeous view of some snow-covered budding branches overhanging a path. It was beautiful.
Just relisted one painting "Into the Fields" on Etsy. It's one of my favorite scenes of the University of Alberta farms, with the distant city buildings removed.
This tree is beside a small field where I used to practice tai chi on sunny afternoons in summer.
It can be viewed here:
Nov 24, 2020 update: Ah, very sorry, it looks like the spot where I had the listing got updated to a different commissioned piece I had painted for someone. I still remember the painting and I have it somewhere in my collections. If you're interested, I can post an image. Oh, and if you like the cat painting I still paint commissions, so feel free to ask.
2021 update: I added an image. I also made a video about the University of Alberta farms and I reminisce about the days that I used to trek across it to school.
In the video I included the pieces of art I created that were inspired by various views of the farms. I also learned about the history of one of my favourite buildings, the Horse Barn.