Showing posts with label hiking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hiking. Show all posts

Monday, June 21, 2021

Where did April & May go?

Whoops, I missed making a blog post for April...and May.

And the months seem to have flown by without my noticing.

So what have I been up to? The usual, I guess. Work has gotten busier, and I've ended up doing a couple of extra shifts on my would-be days off. Can't complain about that, but it also means I won't be able to do my usual day-off stuff. Like go for a walk, or even contemplate painting.

My donation is finally set up and will head out the door tomorrow. Nice to see a painting heading off to a good cause. I don't have a photo easily at hand right now but it was one of my phoenix paintings. Hope it generates a good amount of funds for the organization. 😊

Also been hiking on my days off. We went to the birding area near Tofield but was too early to see Snow Geese. Also visited Islet Lake in Cooking Lake Provincial park, which was also too early to see much sprouting, but I made a video featuring the butterflies we spotted.

Kind of a fun video.

In my art-world, I've been frustrated as its been several months since I've even picked up a paintbrush. Just not feeling any motivation lately, and I don't want to just waste time. And paint. And materials. The current lack of sales doesn't help, either. I think the last thing I painted was of a loon. I think it looks ok, but maybe a bit lacking in the overall impact.

Anyhow, I guess until the creative urges come back I'll just keep doing what I'm doing - earning a living at my day-job and keeping my happiness by spending time in nature.

Monday, November 23, 2020

2020...Coyote encounters

So, life has been carrying on. It's been a few years regrettably since I last posted.

I've been doing well. Hope you have been also. I'm still painting, and still add things into my website occasionally. It's a lot of work, especially trying to get the images to line up and ensuring all the buttons work. My website. This year of course has been bad for my art sales, but good in the sense that I have more time to paint. I am grateful for my day job which keeps me going in life.

I've also been posting onto YouTube regularly. My page is here: My YouTube page. My husband and I have been going for walks in our local ravine, as well as touring the nearby countryside and finding nice nature places to hike. Check it out. I make clips of various things that I think are worthy of sharing, like this video I uploaded today of a coyote barking and howling.

Well, I think that's all I have to say. Please stay safe out there!

Update: I had another coyote encounter the next day which I also made a video of.

It was a very cool moment which I won't forget for a long time.